Monday, May 14, 2012

Advantages of Electronic Cigarettes

  • 50% cheaper than tobacco cigarettes.
  • Only water vapor
  • No more toxins
  • Longer life span
  • Save up to $1,500 a years.
  • Different flavors including: strawberry, vanilla, cherry, full flavor, light flavor, or ultra- light flavor.
  • No fire.
  • No ash
  • No smoke
  • No smell

Death Statistics From Cigarettes

Statistics Of Illness and Death Rates
  • Estimated 443,000 deaths a year by smoking.
  • 49,00 deaths from secondhand smoke.
  • 90% of men with lung cancer develop it from smoking.
  • 80% of women with lung cancer develop it from smoking.
  • 6 times more likely to suffer from heart attacks, strokes, or chronic obstructive lung disease.

Percentage of Smokers:
  • 20.6% of Amercians are smokers.
  • 20% of high school students are smokers or become smokers before age 18.
  • 9% of high school students use smokeless tobacco.

Profit of Cigarettes Compared to E Cigs

Statistics of Tobacco Profits compared to E- Cigarettes
  • Newport cigarette makers had a 25 million profit decrease due to e- cigarettes.
  • E-cigs so far are taking 12-14% of Big Tobaccos Companies profit.
  • 14,000 customers buy online alone.
  • $100,000 million profit in sales of electronic cigarettes.
  • Last year $1.3 million was made in revenue for the electronic cigarettes.

Smoking Bans Effect Economy

Statistics on Smoking Bans:
  • 1 billion less cigarettes had been smoked in July and August in 2007 in compared to the year before.
  • In Germany, bars lost 14% of there business and profit due to smoking bans.
  • Places where smoking isn't banned has 9 times more pollution in the air than in a place where smoking is banned.
  • 54% of Americans prefer the smoking ban in restaurants.
  • 34% prefer the smoking ban in hotels.
  • 29% prefer the smoking band in bars.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Financial Issues and Smoking

Smoking costs a lot of money in general so why do keep buying cigarettes? The truth is tobacco is very addicting the the tobacco industries know that which is why they continue to raise the tax of them because they know if people are addicted enough, they will keep buying them. If a person was to buy a pack of cigarettes every day just for ten years, the money spent would eventually be enough that you could have purchased a car with it. One pack of cigarettes with about 21 in a pack costs around 10 bucks. If you keep adding that up it not only would you have spent around 51.,000 dollars a year, but you'd probably have to spend more just on the medical costs of getting sick from the smoke.With the prices these days, it's just gonna keep getting worse so people minaswell stop smoking now.

Health Risks

Smoking Causes the following:
Cancer Types:
voice box (larynx)
oesophagus (the tube between your mouth and stomach)

Smoking can also cause stroke, heart attack and eventually death. But these aren't the only problems that can occur with smoking, it aslo effects people around you who have to breathe it in. This can cause them to in addtion get lung cancer or some of the same problems. During pregnancy if you smoke it can cause premature birth, miscarrige or even worse a still born. All the while causing more bills, debt, and all in all an unhappy life all while the Tobacco industries take all your money and the glory.

Rising Tobacco Prices

The stock prices of from British American Tobacco and Imperial Tobacco have hit record highs in the past 12 months. Tobacco firms all around the world have become one of the biggest money makers of the financial developement in the world. Even though cigarettes kill about 6 million people a year, they still continue to rob people of their money by rises the prices of cigarettes while still getting the satifaction of killing them in the process. Although I will say in a way it could help people quit smoking and destroy the tobacco industry because so many people will not be able to afford cigarettes; especially in the future when prices go up even more.

Rising Stocks
BAT £749
Imperial Tobacco £377
FTSE-100 £207